Tugas Softskill Materi Bulan Keempat
Exercise 37 : Relative Clause The last record which produced by this company became a gold record. Checking accounts that require a...
Tugas Softskill Materi Bulan Ketiga
Exercise 35 : Passive Voice The president is called by somebody every day The other members are being called by john Mr watson will be...
Tugas Softskill Materi Bulan Kedua
Exercise 26 : Adjective and Adverbs Well Intense Brightly Fluent Fluently Smooth Accurately Bitter Soon Fast Exercise 27 : Linking...
Tugas 1 Softskill (Bahasa Inggris 2)
Exercise 21 : Conditional Sentences ( Page 97-98 ) Understood Would not have been Will give Would have told Would have been Had Stopped...

Part of Bussiness Letter
The Heading The heading contains the return address with the date on the last line. Sometimes it is necessary to include a line before...
Business Letter and Writting
Business letter Business letter is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such organizations and their customers,...